Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Pillars of Health

The Pillars of Health by John Pierre covers alot of territory in a book of only 227 pages.  The book starts off talking about "real food" as opposed to processed food.  There is a handy daily food reference chart which lists food groups and a general guide for amounts you should eat per day.  In this chapter there are only a few recipes for smoothies (try the Pumpkin Pie Smoothie!) and salads. I was expecting there would be more recipes in the book and was a bit disappointed with that.  There is also a section on using essential oils and there are a few recipes such as a disinfecting room spray and a relaxation spray.  The single largest portion of the book is dedicated to exercise.  There are numerous photos illustrating various types of exercises using  a jump rope, bands, a chair, a Flexi-Bar, etc., and specifics on how to strengthen different parts of your body.  The book also touches on the subjects of mental acuity and positive thinking and examines some supplements and how they relate to brain health.  The last part of the book is titled "The Pillar of Compassion".  It's a great chapter with lots of advice on how your thoughts and words effect people with advice on how to be more positive in general.  Overall, I enjoyed the book.  Initially, because of the title, I was expecting more information on food and recipes.  Personally, I would have enjoyed more of that and less of the exercise illustrations, but it depends on what you are looking for in this type of book.  FTC Disclosure:  I was not financially compensated for this post. I received the book from Hay House for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.

You can purchase the book here: 

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